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Sunday 5th July: Make it slippy!


Sunday 6th:                                 

            Finishing the underwater preparation: wet sanding for a very smooth surface. Checking with many other hulls taught us that there are many subtle differences in this preparation. We wanted to lube the surface after degreasing it, but the remaining antifouling seemed to granulate under the influence of the lubricating liquid. We will have to do it without the benifit of McLube!

            With help of Jack’s crew we raised the mast and lengthened the forestay by adding a toggle on the top. We hope this will give us a higher upwind angle without speed loss.

            At the end of the day we presented the sail for official measurement. We changed the sail number to BEL 372 to comply with the class rule that the sail must carry the number of the hull.

            While a thunderstorm flew over we decided to have a nice BBQ in the garden. It worked out fine and with a crew of 4 we are not bothered by the weight limit. Many teams on the contrary are struggling with a strict diet.
            We hope to be in the water early tomorrow morning. After finishing tuning we could go out for a first try out with new sails and settings.